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President Donald Trump drinks water.
Yellow pages phone information REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Donald Trump completed his Yellow pages phone information first physical exam as president on Friday.

Dr. Ronny Jackson, who performed the exam at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, described Trump as being in "excellent health."

Jackson is expected to announce the full results of the president's exam on Free Reverse Directory Tuesday.

President Donald Trump underwent his first physical Mobile phone directory exam as president on Friday at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.

White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson described the 71-year-old Trump Phone directory as being in "excellent health." Full results of the exam are expected to who belongs this landline number be announced on Tuesday.

The sitting president's routine medical check-up is not usually a topic that dominates headlines, but speculation about Trump's health has intensified in the early days of his second year in office. That's due in part to who belongs this free mobile number service to some revealing commentary about his eating habits, outlined in news stories over the Free Reverse Directory last year — and more recently in the book, "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House."

In this photo released by the White House Yellow pages phone information on January 12, 2018, Donald Trump walks with doctors at Walter Reed National Military Yellow pages phone information Medical Center after his first physical exam as president.
White House

One anecdote in the book said that Trump's penchant for Yellow pages phone information McDonald's fast food is linked to who belongs this free mobile number his "longtime fear of being poisoned."
Trump's go-to who belongs this free mobile number order was said to be two Big Macs, two Filet-o-Fish sandwiches, and a large chocolate shake.

A Washington Post report published last month said Trump's main diet on the 2016 campaign trail
consisted of Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza, and Diet Coke.

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